How To Control Your Home’s Humidity

Home’s Humidity | Daffan Cooling & Heating

How To Control Your Home’s Humidity

Heating and cooling tend to get all the attention when we think about indoor conditions. But humidity levels are also critical and getting it below 60% isn’t always easy. Sometimes you need the right equipment to help.

Here are ways to ensure your home has just the right amount of moisture.

Too Much Moisture: Dehumidify

Too much humidity promotes the growth of mold, pathogens, and allergens. It also causes damage to your home’s structure and walls.

In general, summer is the season of high humidity. Your air conditioning unit already provides dehumidification as part of its process, but if you have high humidity even when it’s not hot, we suggest using a dehumidifier.

There are two main types of dehumidifiers: refrigerant and desiccant dehumidifiers. Refrigerant dehumidifiers use the same technology air conditioners use, while desiccant dehumidifiers absorb moisture from the air. Since refrigerant dehumidifiers are typically used for homes, you’ll probably need this type.

The first thing you need to do is figure out the best place for your dehumidifier. You can get a small unit to take care of a problem area like your kitchen or bedroom. If your humidity issues are more widespread, then a whole-home dehumidifier is your best bet.

Too Dry: Humidify

Air that is too dry can leave you susceptible to colds and flus by drying out your nasal passage. It also contributes to static which can damage sensitive electronic equipment.

Dry air is often associated with colder weather, but some climates are dry year-round. Regardless of where you are, dry indoor air is a problem that can be solved with a humidifier.

You have two main options for a humidifier system: whole home or individual room. The option that takes care of your entire home is installed close to your indoor unit and injects steam into your supply duct. Depending on your home, this may cause excessive moisture in certain areas.

If you want more individual control, a small humidifier that injects moisture into a room will allow your moisture-prone areas to stay dry while you get the right humidity levels elsewhere. This is a great option for bedrooms that get too dry.


How Can We Help?

As a Daffan Maintenance Club member, we offer free Indoor Air Quality Testing. Each of our technicians is equipped with a monitor to test the air in your home. Within thirty minutes you will know the levels of carbon monoxide, odors, chemicals, carbon dioxide, temperature, humidity, and particulates in your home. If your home proves to be too humid or too dry our technician can advise you on the best solution for you and your home.

Not a part of the Daffan Maintenance Club? Call our team today to receive two maintenance checks, no overtime fees, your indoor air quality test, and much more!

If you have humidity problems in your home and need tighter control of your home’s moisture levels, give us a call and we can help you get it right. We have a hardworking team ready to serve you night and day and that’s why we’re your home’s best friend.

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